Which Foods Cause Eczema

Which Foods Cause Eczema is not exactly an easy question to give an answer to. Why? Because people are not the same - one man’s meat is another man's poison. Allergies are one of the most curious diseases man has come to touch with. It can attack:
  • anyone (men, women, old, young, children)
  • from anywhere (virtual anything can trigger an allergic reaction)
  • anytime (people enjoy certain food all of their lives, and then all of a sudden they become allergic to it... and then again, after a while the allergy can disappear without a trace!)
It is fortunate however, than we can make a list of most common foods that cause eczema, and it is as follows:

1. Dairy products
  • cow milk (but it could be sheep or goat milk as well) contains three components that can trigger the allergic reaction, and those are casein protein, whey protein, and lactose sugar
  • foods containing milk (butter, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, cheese creams)
  • processed foods containing milk (chocolate, pastries, soups, cheese flavored snacks)
2. Wheat products
  • breads and cereals (white bread, pretzels, muffins, waffles, donuts, rolls, crackers)
  • beverages (beer, root beer, coffee substitutes, cereal beverages)
3. Sea food
  • fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines, anchovies, herring, trout, tuna)
  • crustaceans (lobster, crab, shrimps, crayfish)
  • mollusks (clams, oyster, mussels, octopus, slugs, snails)
4. Acidic fruit
  • blueberries, cranberries, currants
  • canned or glazed fruits
5. Eggs (and all the food containing eggs)

6. Nuts (peanuts, almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, cashews)

Eczema skin symptoms usually occur immediately (few minutes) after the consumption, and they vary from mild to severe. Eczema easily aggravates if the skin is scratched, it even can get infected. Be very careful with this! Eczema can appear to you as just a tedious inconvenience, but may transform into very serious and even dangerous disease.

If you have eczema, you need to do something about it right now!

Eczema And Diet

If you know exactly which foods cause eczema to appear on your skin (you should take an allergy test to find that out), then start your diet by avoiding the foods that are bad for you. But at the same time, find appropriate substitutes!

So for example, if you're allergic to particular wheat product, like white bread or waffles or whatever, you should try a different kind of bread, or different waffles. It's not the end of the world, you know! And guess what, after a certain period of time you can try that white bread again, and it just might happen that the allergy reaction will not be there anymore. That's the way it goes with allergies - one minute they are alive and kicking, the other they are nowhere to be found!

When talking about diet and eczema, there is one thing that you should do, no matter if your eczema is mild or severe, or if it's periodic or permanent. You should start eating a lot of foods containing the following:
  • vitamin B complex (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12)
  • zinc
  • fish oil
  • grape juice
These four are absolutely essential for your skin. A lot can be said about what they exactly do, but suffice it to say that they maintain healthy skin.

Vitamine B Complex makes a perfect illustration. Take a look at the B complex deficiency effects to your body: dermatitis (skin inflammation), cheilosis (cracks in the lips), seborrheic dermatitis (scaly, flaky skin on face and sculp), pellagra, acne...

Zinc, possess anti-oxidant properties, which protect against premature aging of the skin. Zinc can be found in fish, oysters, liver (especially in veal liver), low fat roast beef, roasted pumpkin and squash seeds, dried watermelon seeds, blackberries, dates, etc...

Fish oil contains vitamin A, which is essential for maintaining normal skin health, and it also possess anti-inflammatory properties (eczematous skin is inflamed!). Fish oil is obtained from oily fish.

Grape juice, similar to zinc, contains anti-oxidants.

So, to summarize all that has been said, your eczema skin symptoms stands no chance against Nature. Not only you can kill eczema by starting eating properly, but there is a special aid the Nature offers, sort of a cavalry that can swipe that disease in a matter of weeks! Read on.

How To Treat Eczema

How to treat eczema is the question that can be put in two ways:

1. How does modern medicine treat eczema?

The answer to that question is - hardly. Actually, eczema is considered today as one of those chronic and incurable diseases. Medications that your doctors can prescribe are not effective at all in treating this disease.

What kinds of drugs are most frequently administered?

  • Corticosteroids, for treating the skin itself.
They come in the form of creams, lotions or pills (e.g. Hydrocortisone). Their effectiveness are limited by the fact that they just decrease the inflammation of the skin and reduce itching sensation. Obviously, they are just treating the symptoms, not the cause of eczema. Apart from that, they could be very detrimental both to your skin and the rest of your body. Side-effects include: aging of skin, skin blood vessels dilatation, weakening of the immune system, sweating, indigestion and many more.

  • Antihistaminics, for inhibition of allergic reaction.
They are used to inhibit the release or action of histamine - a biochemical compound involved in local immune response. Again, they are not very effective. Anyone who had some sort of allergy, like hay fever, can verify you that notion. They also treat the symptoms, but the cuase remains. Most noted side-effect of antihistamine drugs is drowsiness.

2. Then eczema is unbeatable?

Absolutely NOT! It is very beatable. Natural products can beat eczema and make it vanish forever! It is really sad that today's medicine pays so little attention to Nature when it comes to her healing potentials. Army of people all around the world have cured themselves using only natural remedies, without having to suffer any kind of a side-effect during the process. And if it is possible to beat cancer and leukemia with Nature, is there any doubt then that a simple skin disease cannot be treated accordingly? Nature is very very powerful, and all we have to do is to unleash that power!